Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How do we use our existing phone number together with Dymos?

Answer: there are two approaches:

  1. Method 1: use Call Forwarding to forward your existing public-facing phone number to the Dymos private number that we provide you.
  2. Method 2: give your customers the Dymos phone number that we provide you so that they can call the Dymos “automated line” at any time during your open hours to place orders

Question: How can our calling customers transfer to our staff/employees from a Dymos call?

Answer: customers can press 0 at any time to initiate a transfer of their call to your staff. For this to work, you will need to provide us with your “transfer-to” phone #. For instance, this can be the cell phone # of the store’s general manager.

Question: Callers who pay for their orders using Dymos can use credit cards. Are there any restrictions?

Answer: a) we do not support 3D Secure authentication at this time (this is a requirement in Europe but not in the US), b) we do not support debit cards

Question: How secure is Dymos for taking customer payments by phone?

Answer: Dymos uses the Stripe Connector feature of Twilio for secure handling of credit card information over the phone.

Question: For delivery orders, how does Dymos ensure the accuracy of the customer’s address? 

Answer: Dymos uses several methods, including the Google Maps API, for helping the calling customer correctly enter their delivery address information.

Question: How does Dymos produce accurate orders for food and beverages? 

Answer: When Dymos is in IVR mode, it is able to take orders with 100% accuracy – this is because at each stage of the order dialogue, Dymos guides the customer in choosing an item and the modifiers for that item. 

Question: What languages are supported by Dymos? 

Answer: At this time English is the only supported language.

Question: Does Dymos use humans in a call center as a backup? 

Answer: No, Dymos is a cloud-based service that functions independently of human intervention.